Thursday, August 9, 2012

Legends of Bigfoot - (The Legend of Kapre)

Mood: Photobucket

So Yesterday I came across a documentary that I enjoyed just a little. It's Bigfoot and aliens, how could that not be interesting?

This one talks about the idea of Bigfoot being an extraterrestrial being and how Bigfoot is interpreted on different continents. It's hard to summarize the documentary, so just watch it. It still doesn't prove me anything except a few more theories added to the already existing. O_O It does put a little sense into humor.

I could not think of a better interpretation of Bigfoot for Filipinos, than the legendary "Kapre"- a huge dark hairy being that lives inside trees (seemingly disappears into a sort of portal to enter their home trees.) They watch humans, never harm them. They sometimes fall in love with a few but that never turns out well. Stories upon stories of them impregnating humans through dreams. When the child is born, very few humans keep them that long. The children look human, but appears to have unnatural skills etc. and at some point these children would be called to the woods by something no one can describe, and then they disappear. It sounds like some of the theories on the documentary above. Stories about "Kapre" had been told as night stories to Filipinos for years and years. Interesting eh? check it:


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