Thursday, August 20, 2015

Nuvali For The Kids

Hello again fishies. You look like a painting.

This may be a little late to post, but I went again yesterday just to chill and thought this might be something nice to share.

Standing by the rail while feeding the fish was extremely relaxing. If anything, it was hypnotizing. Like a kid, I couldn't stop watching them. I had questions in my head; is the amount of food they get enough, or is it too much? What happens when they keep multiplying? Even if the ones in charge transferred them due to over population, wouldn't the water be a massive fish toilet by then? There's no exit for the water after all. I wonder if all the fish there had really strong muscles. It feels like they get a good  workout trying to get the food first. What does fish with "tough muscles" taste like? Will they be chewy?

While wondering all these, I kept staring and watching their picturesque movements. The Vogue of the underwater world would probably start its production here. On the cover, Emma Watswim. Badabum Tss!

Little man fun.
There's also a boat ride which is pretty cheap. The boat is new and clean, something worth appreciating. The ride isn't lengthy, but would be enough for kids and not so patient adults.

On the entrance a little car rental is all set for children. It reaches an exhilarating speed of about 2mph. Kids will be amused driving their own cars out in the open, where there is surprisingly zero percent chance of a vehicle related accident. But really, the kids enjoy it and it's safe too.

The matter of an adult relaxing is not hard to imagine. The atmosphere is nice, with a balance of modern life and a little nature. A café is available for the restless, and family friendly restaurants are just around.

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